Remain Rooted in Rural Living

Independent Housing for Seniors in Small Towns

Green Pastures Living is working to provide small-scale independent housing in a familiar, small town setting that fits seniors’ budgets. We strive to empower people by giving them the choice of where and how they want to age in place; retaining their sense of belonging and community connection. The need is great and growing each day.


  • We value living in a place that has green and growing life where you have a part to play.
  • We value people and that people have value throughout their entire lives.
  • We value affordable housing that sustains community and integrity.
  • We value the pursuit to retain as much of your identity and interests as long as you can.

Housing Pilot – Duplex Unit

2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1,350 sq. ft.

Open Living Room & Kitchen

Garage, Storage Space, Utility Room

Easy to Maneuver Around

Price Targeted to Middle-Class Market

Life-lease with Buyout Option

Stable Monthly Maintenance Fee

Familiar community setting

Services Provided

Green Pastures Living is committed to serving seniors throughout the various steps of housing and life progression. Although we will not provide skilled-nursing services as what most people first think of as “support”, Green Pastures Living strives to offer the aging rural population our trusted guidance and provision through various outlets. Caring for people is so much more than just their physical health.

We understand that the transition for our clients from where they are currently living to where they desire to be aging in place safely and securely involves many steps before, during and after the move.  Besides providing the physical housing, we also provide three different offerings:

  1. Consultation/Evaluation of Home situation – This is where we discuss their current home and explore their needs and further options.
  2. Senior Move Management – More specific work with downsizing and physically moving their possessions.
  3. Community – this is for the seniors to stay connected to one another in hobbies and life as well as receive check-ins and resources for any health changes as we partner with other agencies that they made need (in-home care, etc).

If you or a loved one are interested in any of these services, please click on calendar link or contact us at

How Green Pastures Living is Different

 We meet the needs of individuals who do not want to move out of their familiar rural, small town surroundings to urban dwellings. As the senior population continues to grow, we are working to provide safe, simple housing for retired workforce that is within their financial means and area.

Your trust is important to our organization. Green Pastures Living earned a 2024 Silver Seal of Transparency with Candid.  Feel free to click on the seal to view our Nonprofit Profile that demonstrates our fiscal responsible practices.